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About this Resource

Water Safety is Key to making water Fun and exciting for all.

At work and at home we are constantly working on little rules on how to check our environment for safety and opportunities before we charge ahead. Here are some examples of habits that help us

  • Proof reading your work before you send it out to catch mistakes

  • Teaching your children to stop at a road, look both ways and hold an adults hand

  • No running with scissors or knives

In these 2 videos Daniel will go over some key habits to set up in your family swim time to ensure that the safety is all taken care of while you are having a blast.

  • Adult 1st

  • Understand that children are designed to make mistakes, explore and challenge boundaries

  • Take time to build a safe and comfortable way to communicate not negotiable so that children understand when it is time to let you lead or to explore themselves

  • Build a hoabit of teaching steps to water, so that your children and family understand the different levels of care, supervision and rules to playing safe depending on if they are away from water, approching the edge or about to enter.

Your Instructor

Daniel Gerlach

Daniel Gerlach

Making a culture of Water Safety in your Family




10 minutes

Daniel has been teaching and coaching swimming for over 20 years and has a passion for opening the world of water up for his students to explore and excel in.

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